Silke Birgitta Gahleitner deutsche Version

 Current Projects
 Finished Projects
Opportunities and risks in care for formerly institutionalized children in old age: "Then imagine that they lock me up ... in an old people's home"
Project in collaboration with the Commission for Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany
Sponsor: Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues
Project Manager: Professor Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, PhD
Research Assistants: Marie Martensen, Senta Ebinger, Maite Gabriel
From the 1940s to the 1970s in the former West Germany and until 1989 in the former East Germany, institutional and "welfare" education not only demonstrably violated the human rights of children and adolescents, but also had tangible consequences for survivors. Many of those affected have managed to survive for a long time - most of them without any public assistance - and they deserve every conceivable form of support in view of their suffering and their efforts to come to terms with it. The traumatic experiences of formerly institutionalized people often result in complex, long-term effects and, in particular, have serious social consequences. Many of them find it difficult to seek treatment and help and to represent their interests and rights vis-a-vis institutions. As a group, they are especially strongly impacted by difficulties in accessing care in old age and fears about such care
The aim of the planned study is to determine the needs of formerly institutionalized children who have experienced sexualized violence with regard to appropriate psychosocial care in old age and to develop training proposals for psychosocial professionals working in geriatric care. An information brochure for professionals and affected persons will be developed, and will be addressed to all institutions providing inpatient and outpatient care for the elderly as well as a range of psychosocial care and social work professionals. The target group for this research project includes formerly institutionalized children who are now elderly. In particular, the subjective views of the persons concerned with regard to what happened is of interest in order to gain an insight into the future support needs of aging affected persons, especially those at a very advanced age.
The study will focus on the following questions: What are the specific support needs in old age of formerly institutionalized children who have experienced sexualized and other forms of severe violence? How can the professionals working with them be sensitized to these needs? Both the choice of the methodological design and the interpretation of the results take into account the fact that a large percentage of formerly institutionalized children are people with early trauma and broken attachment experiences. The factor of trauma and the related dynamics for those affected and those who support them (including in social support processes) should therefore be given special importance in the development of the study design and the interpretation of the results. The project has received official ethical approval to this end.

Experiences in GDR children's homes - coping and coming to terms with the situation
Collaborative project between the Abuse in GDR Homes Initiative, Torgau Closed Juvenile Detention Center Memorial, the Deutsches Institut für Heimerziehungsforschung (German Institute for Residential Education Research), the Commission for Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Germany, Zentrum für Familie, Bildung und Engagement (Center for Family, Education, and Engagement), the Institut für Praxisforschung und Projektberatung (IPP; Institute for Practical Research and Project Consulting), the Berliner Center, Advice Center and Meeting Place for Formerly Institutionalized Children, and the Kocmoc Design Agency
Sponsor: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
The aim of this joint project is to examine experiences in GDR children's homes. The sub-project at the ASH Berlin uses qualitative interviews to investigate the extent to which the goals of the "Heimerziehung in der DDR in den Jahren 1949-1989" (Residential Education in the GDR between 1949 and 1989) fund, which was set up to provide concrete help in coping with the situation, were implemented in its therapy and counseling services for those affected by experiences of sexual violence. The focus is on the support options that were particularly suitable from the subjective perspective of those affected for coping with the suffering they experienced. Based on the qualitative survey and evaluation this sub-project is intended to provide information about the future support needs of those affected by sexual violence after termination of the fund and the additional conceptual steps that should be taken to meet these needs.
Publications on the research project:
Andrade, Marilena de & Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2021). Aus der Heimgeschichte lernen: Empfehlungen ehemaliger Heimkinder für die heutige Kinder- und Jugendhilfe [Learning from the history of residential care: Recommendations from formerly institutionalized children for today's child and youth welfare settings]. Kindesmisshandlung und -vernachlässigung, 24(2), 114-123.
Gabriel, Maite, Martensen, Marie, Andrade, Marilena de, Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta & Stephan, Nina (2023). Die Bedeutung von Beziehung. Aus Erfahrungen ehemaliger Heimkinder der DDR lernen [The importance of relationships. Learning from the experiences of former residents of GDR children's homes]. Sozialmagazin, 47(1-2), 54-62.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta & Martensen, Marie Pauline (2022). "Das bleibt drin in der Birne". Sozialtherapeutische Beratung ehemaliger Heimkinder ["It stays in your head": Social therapeutic counseling for formerly institutionalized children]]. Forum Sozialarbeit + Gesundheit, 17(2), 14-17.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Martensen, Marie Pauline, Rettig, Antje, Gabriel, Maite & Andrade, Marilena de (2021). Ehemaligen Heimkindern zuhören - Impulse für die Gegenwart aufnehmen [Listening to formerly institutionalized children - gaining inspiration for the present]. Sozialpädagogische Impulse, 31(4), 29-32.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Wesenberg, Sandra & Paulick, Christian (2021). (Professionelle) Beziehungen und Solidarität [(Professional) Relationships and solidarity]. Sozialmagazin, 46(7-8), 58-64.
Martensen, Marie Pauline & Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2019). Bilanz der Hilfen für ehemalige Heimkinder. Entschädigungsfonds und Anlauf- und Beratungsstellen [Overview of aid measures for formerly institutionalized children. Compensation funds, contacts, and advice centers]. Soziale Arbeit, 68(4), 122-130.
Söhner, Felicitas, Oommen-Halbach, Anne & Fangerau, Heiner (2019). (Ost-)deutsche Geschichte erinnern. Erfahrungen in DDR-Kinderheimen [Remembering (East) German history. Experiences in GDR children's homes]. GlobKult Magazin, 29.09.2019. Available online: erfahrungen-in-ddr-kinderheimen [05.02.2023].
Söhner, Felicitas, Oomen-Halbach, Anne, Laudien, Karsten & Fangerau, Heiner (2021). Disziplinieren durch strukturelle Gewalt in Kinderheimen in der DDR? Das Forschungspotenzial von Zeitzeugenberichten [Disciplining through structural violence in GDR children's homes? The research potential of eyewitness accounts]. In Jörg Baberowski, Robert Kindler & Stefan Donth (Eds.), Disziplinieren und Strafen. Dimensionen politischer Repression in der DDR (pp. 135-154). Frankfurt: Campus.
Spahn, Cora (2020). Forschungsverbund "Testimony – Erfahrungen in DDR-Kinderheimen. Bewältigung und Aufarbeitung"; [Research association "Testimony – research network: Experiences in GDR children's homes. Coping and reprocessing"]. Trauma & Gewalt, 14(4), 287.
Spahn, Cora, Reuter, Laurence, Wagner, Birgit & Glaesmer, Heide (2020). Langzeitfolgen der Heimunterbringung in der DDR. Herausforderungen für die psychotherapeutische Behandlung [The long-term consequences of institutionalization in the GDR. Challenges for psychotherapeutic treatment]. Psychotherapeutenjournal, 19(3), 213-221. Available online:$file/Psychotherapeutenjournal%203-2020.pdf [05.02.2023].
Wagner, Birgit, Grafiadeli, Raphaela, Martin, Thomas & Böhm, Maya (2022). Internet-based imagery rescripting intervention for adult survivors of institutional childhood abuse in the former German Democratic Republic - a pilot study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13(2), Art. 2117222. Available online: [05.02.2023].

Understanding and supporting traumatized underage refugees: Development of a low-threshold screening and support portal as the basis of a comprehensive psychosocial diagnostic model
Collaborative project between Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, and HMKW University of Applied Sciences
Sponsor: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Many people from vulnerable regions seek refuge in Germany. Underage (unaccompanied) refugees (UR) represent a particularly vulnerable group, as many of them have experienced critical life events and trauma. UR are therefore particularly in need of support and resources to allow for successful integration. The consortium plans to develop a low-threshold yet sustainable three-step screening, support, and diagnostic concept as a form of support for UR. The first step includes sensitization of underage refugees with interactive content and accompanying identification of psychological abnormalities. This (early) identification is carried out by means of AI affective computing processes, which are based on terminal-supported audio and video analysis. This step is intended to ensure low-threshold access to assistance services that have been approved from on ethical and data protection perspective (screening). The second step allows UR to get in contact with peers, offering video chat-based advisory support services within an online platform. The bringing together of adolescents (refugees and suitable peers), the subsequent exchange of experiences and information between the participants, and the provision of psychosocial support constitute a central pillar of this support portal. The third step involves needs-based referral to the psychosocial care system via the portal. Along the basic concept of "Diagnostic Case Understanding," the model is to be developed empirically in collaboration with local affected persons and practitioners, and will subsequently be available for use and transferable to other regions.
Publications on the research project (in alphabetic order):
Böhm-Fischer, Annina & Beyer, Luzi (Eds.) (2023). TraM - Traumatisierte minderjährige Geflüchtete verstehen und unterstützen. Ergebnisse eines interdisziplinären Entwicklungsprojekts [TraM - Understanding and supporting traumatized underage refugees. Results of an interdisciplinary development project]. Berlin: Logos.
Große, Lisa (2022). Praxis für die Forschung – Forschung für die Praxis. Das TraM-Projekt hat ein zielgruppenspezifisches Diagnostikmodell für den Fluchtbereich entwickelt [Practical application for research - research for practical application. The TraM project has developed a target group-specific diagnostic model for use with refugee groups]. Alice, 22(2 [Nr. 44]), 38. Available online: [27.02.2023].
Große, Lisa, Ebinger, Senta, Wintzer, Lara Irene, Golatka, Adrian, Jaquet, Robin, Riep, Marika & Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2023). "Diagnostisches Fallverstehen" bei jungen geflüchteten Menschen. Ein zielgruppenspezifisches Diagnostikmodell für die psychosoziale Praxis ["Diagnostic case-based approaches" in young refugees. A target group-specific diagnostic model for psychosocial practice]. Höchberg: ZKS.
Große, Lisa & Fischer, Annina (2020). Niedrigschwellige Unterstützung für minderjährige Geflüchtete [Low-threshold support for underage refugees]. Alice, 20(2 [Nr. 39]), 96-97. Available online: [05.02.2023].
Große, Lisa & Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2023). Diagnostisches Fallverstehen mit geflüchteten (jungen) Menschen [Diagnostic case-based approaches in the work with (young) refugees]. In Maximiliane Brandmaier, Barbara Bräutigam, Silke Birgitta Gahleitner & Dorothea Zimmermann (Eds.), Geflüchtete Menschen psychosozial unterstützen und begleiten. Ein Handbuch (pp. 110-121). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Große, Lisa, Wintzer, Lara Irene & Ebinger, Senta (2022). Junge geflüchtete Menschen – zur Notwendigkeit der Anwendung zielgruppenspezifischer psychosozialen Diagnostik [Young refugees - on the necessity of applying target group-specific psychosocial diagnostics]. Verhaltenstherapie mit Kindern & Jugendlichen, 18(1), 7-16.
Große, Lisa, Wintzer, Lara Irene & Ebinger, Senta (2022). Sequenzielles Belastungserleben junger geflüchteter Menschen – Diagnostisches Verstehen in der Sozialen Arbeit [Sequential experience of stress in young refugees – diagnostic understanding in social work]. In Aida Delic, Ioannis Kourtis, Olga Kytidou, Sabrina Sarkodie-Gyan, Uta Wagner & Janina Zölch (Eds.), Globale Zusammenhänge, lokale Deutungen. Kritische Positionierungen zu wissenschaftlichen und medialen Diskursen im Kontext von Flucht und Asyl (pp. 173-187). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Große, Lisa, Wintzer, Lara Irene, Ebinger, Senta, Golatka, Adrian, Jaquet, Robin, Riep, Marika & Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2023). Diagnostisches Fallverstehen - Psychosoziale Arbeit mit jungen geflüchteten Menschen. Booklet für Fachkräfte der Sozialen Arbeit [Diagnostic case-based approaches – psychosocial work with young refugees. A booklet for social work professionals]. Höchberg: ZKS.
Jaquet, Robin (2022). Forschungsprojekt TraM „Traumatisiere minderjährige Geflüchtete verstehen und unterstützen“ [TraM research project: "Understanding and supporting traumatized underage refugees"]. Alice, 22(1 [Nr. 43]), 45-46. Available online: [27.02.2023].

Animal-assisted interventions in therapeutic adolescent residential groups
Collaborative project between ajb GmbH, Leben mit Tieren e.V., Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus Berlin (PFH), Koralle - Therapeutische Wohngruppen, Pfefferwerk, TWG Cayenne 1055, Prowo e.V., and EJF - Dr. Janusz Korczak-Haus am Tierpark
Sponsor: Institute for Applied Research Berlin (IFAF Berlin)
Animal-assisted interventions have become increasingly important in psychosocial work in recent years, but their scientific grounding is still in its infancy. Individual forms of intervention, settings, and target groups have not yet been established. This is particularly true in the field of child and youth welfare, although a number of inspiring practical experiences have already been documented. This project focuses on the impact and effects of dog-assisted interventions in therapeutic residential groups for adolescents, paying special attention to gender-differentiating aspects. In this context, the dimension of the conditions for success as well as the barriers to ‚successful' animal-assisted work with this specific target group and in this setting will also be taken into account. Due to the multidimensionality of this issue, the methodological approach is based on the criteria of a mixed-method study, which is designed to identify the qualitative and quantitative conditions for successful dog-assisted interventions in therapeutic residential groups in accordance with the requirements of animal-assisted work and the needs of the target group. In addition to the adolescents themselves, their carers, supervisors, experts in the area of animal-assisted interventions and other proven experts will also be involved. The aim of the project is to draft proposals on how a gender-sensitive dog-assisted intervention program (in a small group setting) for therapeutic adolescent residential groups can be developed and implemented successfully. Among other things, recommendations and best-practice examples of animal-assisted work in child and youth welfare will be derived and published, and a differentiated manual produced for the implementation of the dog-assisted program.
Publications on the research project:
Andrade, Marilena de & Wesenberg, Sandra (2020). Berliner Schnauzen. Ein Forschungsprojekt untersucht, wie sich hundegestützte Interventionen in Therapeutischen Jugendwohngruppen in Berlin und Brandenburg auswirken ["Berliner Schnauzen" (Berlin muzzles). A research project examines the impact of dog-assisted interventions in therapeutic adolescent residential groups in Berlin and Brandenburg]. Alice, 20(2 [Nr. 39]), 94-95. Available online: [19.01.2021].
Bredereck, Conny Martina & Eckloff, Anett (2019). Hundgestützte Interventionen in der stationären Jugendhilfe [Dog-assisted interventions in residential adolescent care]. Sozialmagazin, 44(11-12), 30-37. Available online: [19.01.2021].
Eckloff, Annett, Bredereck, Conny M., Lanwehr, Joana, Andrade, Marilena de (2020). Einblick in die Praxisforschung: Das hundegestützte Interventionsprogramm „Berliner Schnauzen” in therapeutischen Jugendwohngruppen [Insight into practical research: The dog-assisted "Berliner Schnauzen" (Berlin muzzles) intervention program in therapeutic adolescent residential groups]. Tiergestützte, 15(2), 38–44. Verfügbar unter: Einblick+Praxisforschung_tiergestuetzte_Eckloff+et+al_2020.pdf [19.01.2021].
Wesenberg, Sandra (2019). Heimtierhaltung und persönliche Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen [Pet ownership and personal human-animal relationships]. Sozialmagazin, 44(11-12), 22-29.
Wesenberg, Sandra (2020). Tiere in der Sozialen Arbeit. Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen und tiergestützte Interventionen [Animals in social work. Human-animal relationships and animal-assisted interventions] (Series: Grundwissen Soziale Arbeit, Vol. 34). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Wesenberg, Sandra & Nestmann, Frank (2019). Tiergestützte Interventionen in Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie und -psychiatrie - Ein Überblick zum aktuellen Stand von Forschung und Praxis [Animal-assisted interventions in child and adolescent psychotherapy and psychiatry: An overview of the current state of research and practice]. Verhaltenstherapie mit Kindern & Jugendlichen, 15(2), 69-80.
Wesenberg, Sandra, Frank, Christina, Andrade, Marilena de, Weber, Miriam, Rosemeier, Claus-Peter, Krause-Lanius, Bert & Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2020). Results of an evaluation of therapeutic residential groups for adolescents in Berlin. Research on Social Work Practice, 30(5), 524-538.

Research stay at the Danube University Krems, Project:
PrIMsA – prevention and intervention in cases of sex trafficking (2016-2017)
Part of the KIRAS security research program of the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Trafficking for sexual exploitation (TSE) is a serious criminal offense, which fundamentally violates the human rights of the victim and poses major challenges for institutions such as the police force, the legal system, and the mental health care system. TSE usually takes place in the context of organized crime and therefore does not respect national borders. Since Germany and Austria serve as transit and destination countries, they play a central role in the fight against TSE. Accordingly, a bilateral research and development project has been launched in collaboration between the two countries to investigate this phenomenon and explore possible options for intervention. The goals of the project include measures that support investigative work, such as the design of a technical device that makes it possible to detect on the spot whether the victims are minors. Particular consideration will be given to the protection of human rights throughout all phases of the project. Apart from surveys focusing on the social area in disadvantaged neighborhoods in search of measures to increase the safety of the population and support investigative work, the project will therefore focus especially on developing concepts for improved prevention and intervention options and new training programs for mental health professionals. As part of the project, the research group will, in particular, develop psychosocial intervention options in the fight against TSE and draw on its expertise in the research areas of psychotherapy, counseling, and supervision. Associations that serve TSE victims will be closely involved in a communicatively validating manner so as to orient the results as effectively as possible towards local practical requirements.
Frank, Christina, Gerlich, Katharina, Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta & Hinterwallner, Heidemarie (2013). Bei der ersten Begegnung. Risiken zu Beginn psychosozialer Hilfeprozesse [During the first meeting. Risks at the beginning of psychosocial care processes]. Sozial Extra, 37(11/12), 12-15.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2013). Gender – Trauma – Sucht und Bindung: Phänomenologie, Wechselwirkungen, Gegenstrategien [Gender – trauma – addiction and relationships: phenomenology, interactions, counter-strategies]. In Karl-Heinz Brisch (Ed.), Bindung und Sucht (pp. 234-252). Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2013). Genderaspekte in der Behandlung von Patientinnen und Patienten mit komplexen Traumafolgestörungen [Gender aspects in the treatment of patients with complex post-traumatic stress disorders]. In Martin Sack, Ulrich Sachsse & Julia Schellong (Eds.), Komplexe Traumafolgestörungen. Diagnostik und Behandlung von Folgen schwerer Gewalt und Vernachlässigung (pp. 394-408). Stuttgart: Schattauer.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2014). Männer und Frauen in der Krisenintervention: Geschlechtsspezifische Überlegungen [Men and women in crisis intervention: gender-specific considerations]. In Claudia Höfner & Franz Holzhauser (Eds.), Freiwilligenarbeit in der Krisenintervention. Entwicklung, Bedeutung, Grenzen (pp. 277-289). Wien: Facultas.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta & Reddemann, Luise (2014). Trauma und Geschlecht – ein Verhältnis mit vielen Schattierungen [Gender and trauma – a relationship with many aspects]. Trauma & Gewalt, 8(3), 180-190.

Research stay at the Danube University Krems, Project:
Evaluation of the pilot project to improve psychosocial care of traumatized victims of violence in the context of early intervention/regional trauma outpatient clinic in Brandenburg (2013-2016)
Project in collaboration with Opferhilfe Land Brandenburg e. V., Potsdam
This project evaluated the efficiency of a trauma outpatient clinic for victims of violent crime established as a pilot project in an economically underdeveloped region with inadequate healthcare provision. The funding was based on a pilot project model and is provided by the institution itself. For this purpose, the pilot project was monitored, documented, and evaluated during the pilot stage. Further, a multi-perspective exploratory evaluation was carried out - a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Interviews and group discussions were conducted for the qualitative element in order to collect data. The qualitative component consisted of evaluation questionnaires. In addition, a needs assessment and a performance analysis were carried out to evaluate the supply gap and the efficiency of the service respectively. On the basis of this experience, specific recommendations were drawn up for the continuation and nationwide implementation of the supply chain.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2014). Beratung „biopsychosozial”. Zum aktuellen Stand eines bewährten und umstrittenen Metamodells in Theorie und Praxis [„Biopsychosocial” counseling. On the current status of a proven and controversial meta-model in theory and practice]. In Karin Bock, Annett Kupfer, Romy Simon, Kathy Weinhold & Sandra Wesenburg (Eds.), Beratung und soziale Beziehungen (Series: Dresdner Studien zur Erziehungswissenschaft und Sozialforschung; pp. 52-69). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2014). Bindung biopsychosozial: Professionelle Beziehungsgestaltung in der Klinischen Sozialarbeit [Biopsychosocial relationships: professional relationship building]. In Alexander Trost (Ed.), Bindungsorientierung in der Sozialen Arbeit. Grundlagen – Forschungsergebnisse – Anwendungsgebiete (pp. 55-72). Dortmund: Borgmann.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2014). „Ich konnte da immer hingehen mit meinen Problemen”. Vertrauens- und Beziehungsarbeit in psychosozialen Beratungsprozessen [„I was always able to go there with my problems.” Trust and relationship building in psychosocial counseling processes]. In Petra Bauer & Marc Weinhardt (Eds.), Perspektiven sozialpädagogischer Beratung. Empirische Befunde und aktuelle Entwicklungen (Series: Edition Soziale Arbeit; pp. 252-269). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Deloie, Dario & Stitz, Anika (2014). Integrative Sozialtherapie [Integrative social therapy]. Klinische Sozialarbeit, 10(2), 8-9.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Hahn, Gernot & Glemser, Rolf (Eds.) (2014). Psychosoziale Interventionen [Psychosocial interventions] (Series: Klinische Sozialarbeit. Beiträge zur psychosozialen Praxis und Forschung, Vol. 6). Köln: Psychiatrie-Verlag.

Research stay at the Danube University Krems, Daphne III Project:
„Together Against Violence” (2013-2014)
Project in collaboration with the Federal Association of Therapeutic Communities Austria
In an exchange with Spanish and Bulgarian colleagues, this project supported with European funding developed ways to escape from violence for children and adolescents living in residential facilities. Regional data collected in the three countries were compared. The "Together Against Violence" Daphne-III project focuses on those adolescents who repeatedly exhibit aggressive, impulsive, and destructive behavior, have frequently also experienced such behavior themselves, and who therefore or due to other behavioral and multidimensional problems have been housed outside the home by the youth welfare system. The objective of the project is a multiperspectival exploratory analysis across the three countries, which is intended to shed light on factors of violence and its interventive handling using problem-centered interviews. Interviews with adolescents, their families, and caregivers were conducted in residential facilities in all three countries and the results were compared in order to derive recommendations for inpatient work with adolescent and violent victims of violence.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2013). Trauma- und Beziehungsarbeit in stationären Einrichtungen [Trauma and relationship work in residential institutions]. Jugendhilfe, 51(4), 270-276.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2013). Traumapädagogische Konzepte in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe: Wozu? – Weshalb? – Wohin? [Trauma-informed concepts in child and youth welfare services: To what end? – Why? – Where to?] In Birgit Lang, Claudia Schirmer, Thomas Lang, Ingeborg Andreae de Hair, Thomas Wahle, Jacob Bausum, Wilma Weiß & Marc Schmid (Eds.), Traumapädagogische Standards in der stationären Kinder- und Jugendhilfe: Eine Praxis- und Orientierungshilfe der BAG Traumapädagogik (pp. 45-55). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2014). Belastungen und Traumata konstruktiv wenden: Resilienz bei Kindern und Jugendlichen [Addressing stress and trauma constructively: resilience in children and adolescents]. In Michael Macsenaere, Klaus Esser, Eckhart Knab & Stephan Hiller (Eds.), Handbuch der Hilfen zur Erziehung (pp. 369-376). Freiburg: Lambertus.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Hensel, Thomas, Baierl, Martin, Kühn, Martin & Schmid, Marc (Eds.) (2014). Traumapädagogik in psychosozialen Handlungsfeldern. Ein Handbuch für Jugendhilfe, Schule und Klinik [Trauma-informed practice in psychosocial fields of activity. A handbook for youth welfare services, schools, and hospitals]. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Radler, Hermann, Gerlich, Katharina & Hinterwallner, Heidemarie (2014). Traumatisierte Kinder und Jugendliche im Hilfeprozess – brauchen wir eine Traumapädagogik? Ergebnisse aus einem Daphne-Projekt [Traumatized children and adolescents in the care process – do we need trauma-informed practice? Results of a Daphne project]. In Die Kinderschutz-Zentren (Hrsg.), Wenn Kinder zum „Problemfall” werden. Orientierung in schwierigen Hilfeprozessen (pp. 41-60). Köln: Die Kinderschutz-Zentren.

Research stay at the Danube University Krems, Project:
Accompanying evaluation of a training for trauma-oriented practice at Tabaluga Child and Youth Welfare Service (2012-2014)
Adolescents who need to be housed in residential facilities often suffer from manifest behavioral disorders and/or psychiatric disorders, usually caused by events in their personal histories. Severe traumas are most common (Schmid, 2010; Gahleitner, 2011). Educational work therefore includes an inter-professional understanding of disorders, vulnerability to crisis, and the dynamics pertaining to the perception and care of adolescents (Gahleitner & Homfeldt, 2012).
Thus, quality assurance is becoming increasingly important in youth welfare. However, it is a complex task in this context. Support in residential facilities is hardly quantifiable and is difficult to describe. The dearth of scientifically substantiated findings with regard to the impact/results of the work carried out in residential facilities has been highlighted time and again in professional discourse (Gabriel, 2001; cf. also Baur et al., 1998; Macsenaere & Herrmann, 2004; Schmidt et al., 2002).
So how can youth welfare programs effectively help young people, boys and girls alike?
The Tabaluga Child and Youth Welfare Service is committed in a special way to providing good quality of care in its facilities. Accordingly, a nationwide training for trauma-oriented practice that will last several years was initiated last summer in addition to the institution's regular ongoing training program. Alongside this, the project plans an accompanying evaluation in cooperation with the Danube University Krems and the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin under the scientific leadership of Prof. Dr. Silke Birgitta Gahleitner.
Research in this area must utilize multiple methods and describe as well as analyze the processes at hand (Gabriel, 2001). With this in mind, the project is aimed at conducting a multi-perspectival evaluation - a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches including semi-structured interviews (problem-centered interviews according to Witzel, 1985, 2000, and content analysis according to Mayring, 2000) as well as quantitative questionnaires (competency questionnaires for employees and exploration questionnaires proven in previous studies for the children/adolescents).
This is intended to allow the subject to be approached from different perspectives (top-down and bottom-up) and to illuminate it as extensively as possible through triangulation of the results so as to discuss existing concepts and approaches and develop professional answers regarding the quality of training for trauma-oriented practice and the actual practice in the facilities of the provider.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2011). Das Therapeutische Milieu in der Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. Trauma- und Beziehungsarbeit in stationären Einrichtungen [The therapeutic milieu in work with children and adolescents. Trauma and relationship work in residential institutions]. Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.

Accompanying evaluation of therapeutic residential group homes in Berlin (BEGEVAL) (2011-2018)
Young people who need to live in a therapeutic residential group home for adolescents suffer from manifest behavioral disorders and/or psychiatric disorders, usually caused by events in their personal histories. These disorders include severe trauma, attachment disorders, personality disorders, neuroses, psychoses, eating disorders, self-injury, addiction, social disorders, etc. A significant proportion of adolescents living in group homes were previously admitted to psychiatric hospitals on multiple occasions or receive(d) outpatient treatment by youth psychiatrists.
Adolescents with these problems require psychologically and therapeutically guided, socio-educational help - and are legally entitled to such help pursuant to §§ 27 in conjunction with 34 or 35a SGB VIII (German Social Security Code). The difference between regular housing communities for adolescents and therapeutic group homes does not consist in a longer treatment duration but rather in a fundamentally different quality of care. The work includes the integration of a professional understanding of disorders, vulnerability to crisis and dynamics , but also that of resources used in the perception of adolescents by the interdisciplinary care team.
Quality assurance is becoming increasingly important in youth welfare. However, it is a more complex task in 'softer' areas such as psychosocial support and treatment than in the fields of medical or pharmacological care. Time and again, the dearth of scientifically sound findings to date concerning the effects/results of work in therapeutic group homes is highlighted by internal and external practice discussions, both textual and technical, as well as searches in the relevant specialist databases.
The Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus Berlin, EJF-Lazarus, and Wuhletal Psychosoziales Zentrum und Allgemeine Jugendberatung were the applicants for the present study. All of them are members of the Arbeitskreis therapeutischer Jugendwohngruppen Berlin (AK TWG), which has been coordinating the work of the various institutions since 1999 and promotes the internal quality development process. An exploratory catamnestic study in collaboration with the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin has already examined the quality of care in therapeutic group homes for adolescents in recent years (Arbeitskreis der Therapeutischen Jugendwohngruppen Berlin, 2009).
The follow-up study was intended to open up the opportunity not only to evaluate the quality of care over a number of years, but also to increase the diagnostic quality of the institutions. Therefore, the aim of the first step of the project was to create an online portal to facilitate both standardized and individual-centered computer-aided diagnostics in the institutions that would not only be available for subsequent accompanying evaluation but also for quality assurance pertaining to case history processes. The necessary, elaborate pretest had already preceded.
From 2012 to 2017, regular measurements were taken and the resulting data statistically analyzed and supplemented by qualitative interviews. The quantitative and qualitative findings clearly show that the therapeutic residential groups in Berlin succeed in creating a framework for the adolescents that is conducive to their development, problem solving, and resource activation, despite the challenging clientele, - and illustrate how they manage to do so. Although this study, like numerous others, is subject to limitations due to its field study nature, the overall result, just like that of the current state of research in child and youth welfare services, can be regarded as positive in terms of the growing research awareness and as the effects achieved.
Bredereck, Conny, Eckloff, Annett, Gabriel, Maite, Gahleitner, Birgitta, Silke & Wesenberg, Sandra (2021). Was wirkt im Krisenalltag in TWGs? Ergebnisse der Untersuchung BEGEVAL [What works in therapeutic adolescent residential groups? Findings of the BEGEVAL study]. In Arbeitskreis Therapeutischer Jugendwohngruppen Berlin (AK TWG) (Hrsg.), Das Therapeutische Milieu als Angebot der Jugendhilfe. Bd. 5: Krise, Interaktion, Veränderung (S. 72-88). Höchberg: ZKS.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2015). Das pädagogisch-therapeutische Milieu in der stationären Arbeit mit traumatisierten Kindern und Jugendlichen [The educational-therapeutic setting in residential work with traumatized children and adolescents]. Heilpädagogik, 58(2), 2-10.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2016). Milieutherapeutische und -pädagogische Konzepte [Milieu therapy and pedagogical concepts]. In Wilma Weiß, Tanja Kessler & Silke Birgitta Gahleitner (Eds.), Handbuch Traumapädagogik (pp. 56-66). Weinheim: Beltz.
Glemser, Rolf & Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2013). Begleitevaluation Therapeutische Wohngruppen Berlin – Forschung aus der Praxis für die Praxis: Ein Prozessbericht [Accompanying evaluation of therapeutic residential groups Berlin – Research from practical work for practical work: A process report]. Klinische Sozialarbeit, 9(3), 7-9. Available online: [25.04.2021]
Wesenberg, Sandra, Frank, Christina, Andrade, Marilena de, Weber, Miriam & Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2019). BEGEVAL. Begleitevaluation der Therapeutischen Jugendwohngruppen in Berlin. Abschlussbericht [BEGEVAL. Accompanying evaluation of therapeutic residential group homes in Berlin. Final report] (Series: Schriften zur psychosozialen Gesundheit). Goßmannsdorf: ZKS.
Wesenberg, Sandra, Frank, Christina, Andrade, Marilena de, Weber, Miriam, Rosemeier, Claus-Peter & Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2020). „Sobald sie in ihrer eigenen Wohnung war ..., vollzog sich ein Wunder“ ["As soon as she was in her own apartment ... a miracle occured": What works in therapeutic adolescent residential groups, and what role does she duration of support play?]. Was wirkt in Therapeutischen Jugendwohngruppen, und welche Rolle spielt die Hilfedauer dabei? Trauma & Gewalt, 14(4), 330-346.
A Comparative Analysis of Community Focused Initiatives Aimed at Supporting Women, Children and Young People Who Have Been the Focus of Violence, Exploitation or Trafficking in three regions of the United Kingdom, Germany and Romania (2009-2011)
The project brings together partners from three European Union countries – Germany, Romania and the United Kingdom. The intention is to examine community-based initiatives designed to respond to the needs of women, children and young people who have been the victims of violence, exploitation or trafficking.
Through the adoption of an advocacy approach the research project is designed to proactively promote the voices of service users in order to gain a clearer understanding of their needs, expectations and demands of victim support services. A further element of the work is concerned with scoping existing initiatives in partner areas and using this information to identify patterns of provision, together with gaps in services and barriers to access for specific groups and individuals. Consideration will also be given to the effectiveness of multi-agency approaches. The project will seek to examine whether lessons can be learned from existing models of good practice and if these can be generalised to provide overarching principles for the development of more effective policy and practice.
A specific output from the project will be the production of case study materials that can be disseminated for inter-professional and inter-agency training purposes. It is intended that research outputs will be used to assist in developing the direction of future work. At the heart of the project is the intention to support Daphne III's aims to promote the 'positive treatment', 'well-being', equality and 'self-fulfilment' of those who are the victims of violence, exploitation and trafficking.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2011). How to create safety for battered women? Conclusions from several decades of research and practice in Europe. Social Change Review, 9(1), 3-16.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta & Miersch, Kerstin (2012). Vertrauen schaffen, Sicherheit garantieren und multiprofessionelle Kooperation bereit stellen: über Herausforderungen bei der professionellen Hilfe für gewaltbetroffene Frauen, Kinder und Familien. Erkenntnisse aus einem europäischen Forschungsprojekt (Daphne-Programm 2007 bis 2013) [Generating trust, guaranteeing safety and offering multi-professional cooperation: about challenges in supporting women, children and families that got affected by violence. Findings from a European research project (Daphne programme 2007-2013]. Alice, 12(1), 23-25.
Gunderson, Connie Lee (2011). The Daphne III Research Project. A Comparative analysis of community focused initiatives aimed at supporting women, children and young people who have been the focus of violence. Klinische Sozialarbeit, 7(3), 7-8
Tucker, Stan, Martyn, Madeline, Bejenaru, Anca, Brotherton, Graham, Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Gunderson, Connie Lee & Rusu, Horatiu (2011). Violence, exploitation and trafficking: Service user perspectives. Daphne Project III. Birmingham, UK: Newman University College. Available online: [22.08.2011]

Growing up with German and Israeli parents who lived through the disasters of the National Socialism – Explorations of identity issues (2008-2012)
Research on types of reminiscing as well as memories of victims of the Nazi Regime among German and Israeli citizens who survived National Socialism has increased in recent years. However, some aspects of the impact the Nazi regime on sons or daughters of Germans and Israelis who lived through the era still remain to be explored.
The purpose of the project is to contribute towards filling some gaps in the current state of the art. The intention is also to foster scientific collaboration and address some problems pertinent to both cultures and the field of social work. We aim to explore subjects' experiences of growing up with German and Israeli parents who lived through the dramatic conditions under National Socialism.
Specifically, we are interested in identifying attachment patterns, self-concepts, adopted values and indices of psychological well-being among our informants. Both in-depth interviews and self-report questionnaires will be utilized for data collection. This study is designed to be gender-specific and will seek to compare previously unstudied experiences of German and Israeli individuals whose parents lived through the genocidal dictatorship.
Cooperation partner in Israel:
Eli Somer, Haifa University
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (Ed.) (2008). The generation(s) after the Holocaust: Israel and Germany exchanging experiences [special topic]. Klinische Sozialarbeit, 4(online issue). Available online: [25.03.2016].
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Kindler, Marie-Luise & Krebs, Luise (2012). Konstruktive Wege aus der Vergangenheit: Beratung und Therapie mit Angehörigen der „Zweiten Generation” nach dem Holocaust und Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland [Constructive ways out of the past: counseling and therapy with members of the „second generation” after the Holocaust and National Socialism in Germany]. In Michaela Huber & Reinhard Plassmann (Eds.), Transgenerationale Traumatisierung (pp. 22-40). Paderborn: Junfermann.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Kindler, Marie-Luise & Krebs, Luise (2013). „Das ist einfach unsere Ge-schichte”: Lebenswege der „zweiten Generation” nach dem Nationalsozialismus [„That's just our history”. Life journeys of the „second generation” after National Socialism]. Klinische Sozialarbeit, 9(4), 6-8.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Somer, Eli, Wachsmuth, Iris & Baumann, Mandy (2010). 65 Jahre nach dem Holocaust: Israel und Deutschland im Austausch – ein Forschungs-Erfahrungs-Projekt [65 years after the Holocaust: the exchange between Israel and Germany – a research experience project]. In Brigitte Geißler-Piltz & Jutta Räbiger (Eds.), Soziale Arbeit grenzenlos. Festschrift für Christine Labonté-Roset (pp. 133-146). Opladen: Budrich.
Kindler, Marie-Luise, Krebs, Luise, Wachsmuth, Iris & Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (Eds.) (2013). „Das ist einfach unsere Geschichte”. Lebenswege der „zweiten Generation” nach dem Nationalsozialismus [„That's just our history”. Life journeys of the „second generation” after National Socialism]. Gießen: Haland & Wirth im Psychosozial-Verlag.
Somer, Eli & Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2008). Growing up with German and Israeli parents who lived through the disasters of the National Socialism: Explorations of identity issues. A joint Master's thesis / Bachelor's thesis research project. Research proposal. [download: pdf, 86 KB]
Somer, Eli, Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Krebs, Luise, Kindler, Marie-Luise, Wachsmuth, Iris & Frank, Christina (2015). Transgenerationelle Weitergabe traumatischer Erfahrungen am Beispiel des Holocaust und Nationalsozialismus [Transgenerational transmission of traumatic experiences based on the example of the Holocaust and National Socialism]. In Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Christina Frank & Anton Leitner (Eds.), Ein Trauma ist mehr als ein Trauma. Biopsychosoziale Traumakonzepte in Psychotherapie, Beratung, Supervision und Traumapädagogik (pp. 20-37). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.

Catamnesis survey – Therapeutic residential youth groups in Berlin (2007-2009)
Adolescents who are in need of settling in a TWG ("therapeutische Jugendwohngemeinschaft"; a therapeutic residential youth group) usually suffer under manifest behavioral syndromes and/or psychiatric disorders that are caused by their historical background. This includes severe traumas, bonding disorders, personality disorders, neuroses, psychoses, eating disorders, self-inflicted injuries, addiction, social disorders etc. These adolescents are not only in need of educational help and social support by psychologists and therapists but are also legally entitled to receive this help.
The major difference between usual flat-sharing communities for adolescents and therapeutic residential youth groups does not lie in a stay that is supported over a longer amount of time but a basically different quality of help. Support includes a professionally applied understanding of clinical pictures, vulnerability, dynamics as well as the ability and scope of adolescents via the interdisciplinary support-team.
This study should display the combination of approaches - concerning both quality and quantity - and half-structured interviews on the one hand, and quality-assuring surveys and test procedures on the other hand. With this modus operandi one is able to have a wider look at the topic (top-down and bottom-up). The triangulation of results offers the possibility to explain the results as good as possible, discuss ideas and approaches that are based on these results and develop new questions and answers.
Arbeitskreis der Therapeutischen Jugendwohngruppen Berlin (Ed.) (2005). Therapeutisches Milieu als Angebot der Jugendhilfe. Konzepte und Arbeitsweisen therapeutischer Jugendwohngruppen in Berlin [Therapeutic environment as an offer of youth welfare]. Berlin: Verlag Allgemeine Jugendberatung.
Arbeitskreis der Therapeutischen Jugendwohngruppen Berlin (Ed.) (2008). Therapeutisches Milieu als Angebot der Jugendhilfe. Konzepte und Arbeitsweisen therapeutischer Jugendwohngruppen in Berlin. Band 2: Beziehungsangebote, Diagnostik, Interventionen [Therapeutic environment as an offer of youth welfare. Volume 2: Relationship offers, diagnostics, interventions]. Berlin: Verlag Allgemeine Jugendberatung.
Arbeitskreis der Therapeutischen Jugendwohngruppen Berlin (Ed.) (2009). Abschlussbericht der Katamnesestudie therapeutischer Wohngruppen in Berlin KATA-TWG [Final report of Catamnesis survey of therapeutic residential youth groups in Berlin KATA-TWG]. Berlin: Verlag Allgemeine Jugendberatung.
Arbeitskreis der Therapeutischen Jugendwohngruppen Berlin (Ed.) (2012), Das Therapeutische Milieu als Angebot der Jugendhilfe. Band 3: Wirksamkeit und Perspektiven [The therapeutic environment as an offer of youth welfare. Volume 3: Effectiveness and perspectives]. Berlin: Verlag allgemeine jugendberatung.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2010). Das „Therapeutische Milieu” als Antwort auf frühe Gewalterfahrung: Der Personzentrierte Ansatz bei komplexer Traumatisierung [The „Therapeutic Milieu” as response to early experience of violence. The person-centred approach to complex trauma]. Trauma & Gewalt, 4(2), 128-140.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2011). Das Therapeutische Milieu in der Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen. Trauma- und Beziehungsarbeit in stationären Einrichtungen [Therapeutic environment in residential care for children and adolescents. Trauma and relationship work in residential care]. Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2011). Ein therapeutisches Milieu schaffen: Trauma- und Beziehungsarbeit in stationären Einrichtungen für Kinder und Jugendliche. Teil I [Creating a therapeutic milieu: trauma and relationship work in residential institutions for children and adolescents. Part I]. sozialpädagogische impulse, 21(4), 4-11.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2011). Pädagogische und therapeutische Milieus. Ein Beitrag zur stationären Kinder und Jugendarbeit [Pedagogical and therapeutic milieus. A contribution to residential children and youth work]. Soziale Arbeit, 60(7), 247-254.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2012). Ein therapeutisches Milieu schaffen: Trauma- und Beziehungsarbeit in stationären Einrichtungen für Kinder und Jugendliche. Teil II [Creating a therapeutic milieu: trauma and relationship work in residential institutions for children and adolescents. Part II]. sozialpädagogische impulse, 22(1), 29-31.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Krause, Bert & Rosemeier, Claus-Peter (2009). Komplexe Anforderungsprofile: Ergebnisse aus einer Katamnesestudie Therapeutischer Jugendwohngruppen [Complex specification profiles: outcome of an Catamnesis survey of therapeutic residential youth groups]. Klinische Sozialarbeit, 5(4), 6-8.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta & Rosemeier, Claus-Peter (2011). Was wirkt in Therapeutischen Jugendwohngruppen? Ergebnisse einer triangulativen Studie [What works in therapeutic adolescent residential groups? Results of a triangulative study]. In Ingrid Miethe, Natalie Eppler & Armin Schneider (Eds.), Quantitative und Qualitative Wirkungsforschung. Ansätze, Beispiele, Perspektiven (pp. 145-163). Opladen: Budrich.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta & Krause-Lanius, Bert (2013). „At first it was very strange … I got to know myself”. Results of a study on residential youth welfare units. Today's Children Are Tomorrow's Parents, 35(1), 4-13. Available online: [29.06.2013].
Krause, Bert, Wachsmuth, Iris, Rosemeier, Claus-Peter, Meybohm, Ute & Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2009). Katamnesestudie therapeutischer Jugendwohngruppen - Eine retrospektive Aktenanalyse zur Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren auf den Erfolg [Follow-up study of therapeutic living groups for adolescents - Retrospective analysis of files to examine influential factors for their success]. In Silke Birgitta Gahleitner & Gernot Hahn (Eds.), Klinische Sozialarbeit. Forschung aus der Praxis - Forschung für die Praxis (Series: Beiträge zur psychosozialen Praxis und Forschung, Vol. 2; pp. 238-252). Bonn: Psychiatrie-Verlag.

Quality of life of tumour patients following surgery and reconstruction of the oro-mandibular region. The contribution of the hospital clinical social work service to psycho-social care (2005-2007)
Co-operative project between the hospital clinical social work service of the unit for oro-mandibular and facial surgery of the Heidelberg University Hospital and the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Berlin.
Severe impairments of the quality of life due to tumor diseases are omnipresent in oncology. Nevertheless clinical care often lacks a psychosocial approach of this problem as well as sufficient offers to accompany and support patients in their extremely changed all day life. Pressures can be so profound that psychological comorbidities develop. This includes anxiety disorders, depressive reactions or posttraumatic stress disorders. In these cases patients usually turn to staff of the hospital's social work service.
Quality assurance concerning psychosocial support and help for coping with mental illnesses is gaining increasing importance. Though especially in so-called "softer areas" like psychosocial care and coping-support, quality assurance is a more complex venture than in medical or pharmacological care. Hard, easy to operate criteria still are an exception to the rule. Therefore one should involve examinations that are combined under aspects of approaches concerning both quality and quantity and half-structured interviews on the one hand and methods of testing concerning symptoms on the other hand. With this attempt one is able to gain a deeper and more detailed insight into the subject.
To gain a deep and detailed insight into the subject this co-operative project included an explorative panel study.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta & Becker-Bikowski, Kirsten (2007). Lebensqualität und Krankheitsbewältigung bei Tumorpatienten in der MKG-Chirurgie – Beitrag des Kliniksozialdienstes zur psychosozialen Versorgung [Quality of life of tumour patients following surgery and reconstruction of the oro-mandibular region. The contribution of the hospital clinical social work service to psychosocial care]. In Ernst Engelke, Konrad Maier, Erika Steinert, Stefan Borrmann & Christian Spatscheck (Hrsg.), Forschung für die Praxis. Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der Sozialarbeitsforschung (S. 123-127). Stuttgart: Lambertus.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Becker-Bikowski, Kirsten & Schiel, Ron (2007). Lebensqualität von Tumorpatienten nach Operation und abgeschlossener Rekonstruktion im Mund- und Kieferbereich – Beitrag des Kliniksozialdienstes zur psychosozialen Versorgung [Quality of life of tumour patients following surgery and reconstruction of the oro-mandibular region. The contribution of the hospital clinical social work service to psychosocial care]. Online-Publikation. Psydok - Volltextserver der Virtuellen Fachbibliothek Psychologie der Universität Saarland. URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:291-psydok-10255. Online verfügbar: [22.09.2008].
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta, Becker-Bikowski, Kirsten & Schiel, Ron (2008). Quality of life of tumour patients following surgery and reconstruction of the oro-mandibular region. The contribution of the hospital clinical social work service to psycho-social care. In Günter L. Huber (Ed.), Qualitative approaches in the field of psychology (pp. 81-94). Schwangau: Ingeborg Huber. (Qualitative Psychology Nexus. 7.) Online verfügbar: [31.12.2008].

Modes of Coping with Sexual Abuse in Women and Men – An Exploratory Study from a Salutogenetic Viewpoint (2000-2004)
The dissertation investigates the questions as to how women and men come to terms with early experiences of sexual abuse, what factors favour a positive outcome, the extent to which gender-specific aspects play a role and how insight into these issues can be made available to practising counsellors and psychotherapists. The study is based on data obtained with 22 problem-centred, biographically oriented interviews and supplementary sociometric and diagnostic measures conducted with survivors of sexual abuse. In the analysis of the data the qualitative content analysis was modified and combined with a gender-sensitive procedure.
The results reveal that the initial effects of sexual trauma are very similar for the two sexes, but that there are differences in the long-term effects and how they are processed. It was also evidenced that both men and women have difficulty in coming to terms with their experiences of abuse if they fail to go beyond sex role stereotypes, whereas flexible handling of gender-specific behaviours widens both sexes' repertoires of strategies for confronting the long-term sequelae. The results are compared to those of other recent studies in the fields of trauma and gender research and expert interviews carried out previously by the author. They reveal new aspects both for the development of gender-specific models for psychotherapy and counselling and for future research in the field of trauma.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2003). Sexuelle Gewalterfahrung und ihre Bewältigung bei Frauen und Männern. Eine explorative Untersuchung aus salutogenetischer Perspektive [Experiencing sexual abuse and coping in women and men. An explorative study in a salutogenetic perspective]. Dissertation an der Freien Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2003). Gender-specific aspects of coming to terms with sexual abuse. Results of a qualitative study. In: Mechthild Kiegelmann & Leo Gürtler (Eds.), Research questions and matching methods of analysis (Series: Qualitative Research in Psychology, Vol. 3; pp. 171-182). Schwangau: Ingeborg Huber.
Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta (2005). Sexuelle Gewalt und Geschlecht. Hilfen zur Traumabewältigung bei Frauen und Männern [Sexual violence and gender. Help for traumatized men and women]. Gießen: Psychosozial.